Salumificio (Cold meat processing plant)


Out of the many years of experience in charcuterie arts of the founder, Antioco Murru, in Irgoli, Sardinia, the first industrial structure was established, Salumificio Murru which would soon become a regional leader in pork meat processing and the production of cold meats. The success of Salumificio Murru would soon become a source of pride for the small town of Irgoli, known the island over as “the town of the Sardinian sausage” par excellence.


With a cutting-edge production plant, the best in Sardinia, the Murru company is able to go beyond the traditional seasonal production of cold meats, introducing industrial production typical of international markets, nevertheless without abandoning the principles of the Sardinian charcuterie arts.


The ever-increasing demand for Murru products allowed the company to quickly increase turnover and at the same time the need arose to take on a more suitable business form. And so, “Salumificio Murru spa” was founded.


After two years of work, operations were moved into a new structure, conceived and built in accordance with the most recent construction techniques. With the subsequent expansions, the plant grew to cover about 27,000 m2 of floor space.


Motivated by the spirit of constant production procedure improvements and, in order to guarantee maximum quality for the consumer, ISO/9001 quality and ISO 22005/2008 traceability certifications were obtained.


The completion of a 300 kw photovoltaic system allowed the company to produce energy directly from an alternative energy source which currently guarantees coverage of more than 30% of the electrical energy needs.


Murru Sardinian sausage of Irgoli turned 50 years old and to celebrate, new packaging was adopted, even more suitable for conveying all the qualitative aspects of the product.


Excellence in production is always at the forefront for the company, so efforts were made to obtain new recognition, namely IFS FOOD international certification.

Salsiccia Affumicata Murru (Murru Smoked Sausage) was voted OUTSTANDING product at the Bellavita Awards 2017 held in London during the largest trade show dedicated to Italian food production excellence.


The company is a dynamic organisation that constantly strives to renew the trust of its consumers and continues to be the ambassador of Sardinian quality and authenticity, in Italy and abroad.

We have always held our customers’ health dear to our hearts. This is why we offer gluten free and lactose free products, as well as fixed low weight cold cuts in order to be in keeping with the more and more recommended “moderate consumption”.
Because the health of our customers is also our health!

cibus 2017
saremo in
fiera a parma

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